Hire a Crane for Lifting Beam and Block Warwickshire
If you are having a block and beam floor installed in Warwickshire, have a beam and block installation team but need help in lifting the beams in to position Fosseway Hire can help.
The Fosseway Hire Heavy On-Site Lifting Service uses or new Scania P450 XT with a Fassi F485 which can reach up to 14m
Beam and Block Installation Crane Hire
Provided you have allowed for us to get our Scania close enough, we can lift your beams from where they have been off loaded direct in to position to save you installation team having to man handle them too much
We work alongside your beam and block team at an hourly rate which saves you time and money

Beam and Block installers
Moving Beam and Block flooring on site
For moving block and beams, off loading block and beams we also provide an all Manitou 625 Telehandler For Hire This versatail Teleporter Foklift is a compact forklift that offers four wheel steer, four wheel drive and the ability to lift to 5.85 metres, it is only 1.8 metres wide and 1.9 metres high it can operate just as well on tight sites with limited space as it can on larger projects.
Although the lifting capacity of any tele handler decreases as the jib/load is extended the maximum capacity at ground level for this machine is 2500kg, which makes it ideal mor moving block and beams on site.

Beam and Block Installers Warwickshire
If you are installing block and beam flooring in Warwickshire, Gloucestershire, Cotswolds, Oxforshire and need assistance in off loading beams, moving beams on site or positioning beams in preperation for block and beam flooring contact Fosseway Hire.
We provide crane and driver for positioning beams and can hire out a teleporter for moving your beams
installing beam and block flooring, lifting beam and block, installing beam and block flooring Warwickshire, Gloucestershire Cotswolds Oxfordshire.
Note: Photos of steel lifting – Block and Beam lifting photos coming soon.

Lifting Beam and Block flooring in to position, moving Beam and Block, installing Beam and Block forklift for Beam and Block teleporter for Beam and Block telehandler for Beam and Block Warwickshire, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire
Shipston-on-Stour, Warwickshire, CV36 4GX
Bourton On The Water, Gloucester, GL54 2HQ